George's Brook-Milton
Local Service District

Phone : (709) 466-4488
Your Host(s) : Municipality

Clarenville, NL (Nearby: George's Brook-Milton, Port Blandford, Musgravetown, Sunnyside, Terra Nova)

  • Detail

Box 5234
Clarenville, A5A 3A2

Newfoundland Tourism Region : Eastern

George's Brook: Located north of Clarenville at the head of Smith Sound, George's Brook is believed to be named after an early settler by the name of George Pelley.

It was founded in 1862 and the main source of employment was lumbering. Smith Sound is known to be one of the key breeding grounds for the Atlantic cod in the province.

Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill

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George's Brook-Milton, Phone : (709) 466-4488

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