Point Leamington

Phone : (709) 484-3421
Your Host(s) : Municipality

Point Leamington, NL (Nearby: Northern Arm, Point of Bay, Leading Tickles, Botwood, Peterview)

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P.O. Box 39
Point Leamington, A0H 1Z0

Newfoundland Tourism Region : Central

Point Leamington (formerly South West Arm): Located on the southwest arm of New Bay in Notre Dame Bay, the town, according to Brooks (2013) was named by Joseph William Phillips, the operator of a local sawmill, after his only son, George Leamington Phillips, in 1911.

However, there is the possibility that it was named after Leamington in Warwickshire, England. The population in 2016, was recorded to be 591 a 4.5% decrease from the 619 there in 2011.

Phillips Head, on the western shore of the Bay of Exploits, about 10 km north of Botwood, is also believed to be named after the Phillips family who was instrumental in establishing the logging industry in the area There is, according to local lore, the possibility that it was named after a prospector, but no proof of that could be found.

Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill

Address of this page: http://nl.ruralroutes.com/PointLeamington

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Point Leamington, Phone : (709) 484-3421

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