110 Main Street |
Newfoundland Tourism Region : Central
PILLEY'S ISLAND and others "Connected" to Pilley's Island:
Not only is there an island called Pilley's Island, but there is also a community of Pilley's Island which takes its name from the island which it is on.
The island has been connected by a causeway to the mainland, about a quarter of a mile distant, since 1965. In addition to the community of Pilley's Island, there are two smaller communities on the island, Bumblebee Bight and Spencer's Dock.
Several early residents in the area of Harry's Harbour and Leading Tickles were Pilleys, so it is believed the island and Pilley's Island Harbour were named after one of the seasonal fishing visitors from nearby communities.
Pilley's Island has not only a history of being a fishing community, but it was also known for mining and lumbering.
According to the material presented in the ENL, in the 1860s Captain Phillip Cleary staked a mineral claim at Bumblebee Bight, presumably hoping to develop a copper mine.
But the island's orebody proved to consist chiefly of pyrite. The following from Wikipedia, describes the history of the mining endeavours in the area, as well as some of the more recent history:
In 1889 the mine was acquired by the Pyrites Company Ltd. of England. Under the new mine management was modernized, becoming the first Newfoundland mine to be equipped with electric lights, among other improvements.
With the mine's prosperity, the community developed into the area's major employment and service center, with a hotel, courthouse, six merchant establishments, and the area's only hospital, set up by Sir Wilfred Grenfell.
In 1891 it was reported,
The Pilley's Island mine has recently been taken over by a new company, and will be worked more extensively than ever during this season.
The ore which it yields, iron pyrites, is more abundant than formerly and preparations are being made for larger shipments this year.
Forest fires in 1896 destroyed the Court House, the Methodist Church and the Salvation Army Barracks; thirty-five families were rendered homeless.
In 1899 the mine went into trusteeship. Three years later it was reopened by the Newfoundland Exploration Syndicate.
The mine closed permanently in 1908 when it was discovered that a large fault had displaced the main ore body.
Though the community lost its major employer, the town survived as a fishing and lumbering community. Its population, which was 699 in 1901, declined to 405 by 1945.
Why the bight community was named after a bumblebee is unknown.
Spencer's Dock, according to the material presented in the ENL, was most likely named for the faintly by the name of Spencer that was recorded as living in nearby in Seal Bay Head, in the 1840s.
Some early boat-building was believed to have taken place there.
In 2016, 294 people lived on Pilley's Island, a slight decrease from the 301 recorded in 2011(2.3%).
Pilley's Island is also connected to Triton Island, Brighton Tickle Island and Cobbler Island by road (bridges was built in 1972), and to Long Island by ferry.
Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill
Address of this page: http://nl.ruralroutes.com/PilleysIsland