
Phone : (709) 637-1500
Your Host(s) : Municipality

Cottlesville, NL (Nearby: Summerford, Comfort Cove-Newstead, Baytona, Twillingate, Crow Head)

  • Detail

P.O. Box 10, 12 Luke's Arm Road
Cottlesville, A0G 1S0

Newfoundland Tourism Region : Central

Cottlesville: Located in three coves on opposite sides of a small peninsula, west of Summerford, according to the ENL, the community is actually made up of two different communities, Cottle's Island and Luke's Arm.

Settled in the 1880s, early settlers included the Anstey, Cooper, King, Flight, Moors, Mutford, Philpott, Prior, Rideout and Watkins families, and perhaps one of them went by "Luke" but it was not possible to confirm this connection.

While the town of Cottle's Island could have been named after the British surname "Cottle" it is more likely that it comes from the word "cotterall", "cottle" or "crottel".

The DNLE defined a "cotteral" as "a metal bar with notches on which pot is hung in fire-place; one of the notches on a pot-hook; POT BAR." In an interview, dated 1972, a Newfoundlander gave the following example:

"I remember the open fireplace" he said, "the flue with the crooks and crottle's for hanging pots on.

The [one] side 'crook and crottles' was shaped not unlike a walking stick with a hook was notched.... Pots could be raised or lowered on the crottles according to the housewife's desires".

Over the past years the population has remained relatively constant. In 2016 the census count indicated that there were 271 residents, compared to the 272 in 2011 (a 0.4% decrease).

Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill

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