P.O. Box 130 |
Newfoundland Tourism Region : Avalon
Victoria: Located near Carbonnear, the town of Victoria, formerly known in the 19th century as Victoria Village, was named in honour of Queen Victoria.
Local history reports, according to the ENL sources, the area was being used for wood cutting circa 1817. As it grew, the "village" was dropped, and it became known as "just' Victoria.
It is the only one, in this grouping, that has achieved "town" status under the Municipalities Act and in 2016 the population was recorded to consist of 1,800 residents, reflecting a 2% increase over the 1.764 recorded in 2011.
Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill
Address of this page: http://nl.ruralroutes.com/VictoriaNL