Petite Forte
Local Service District

Petit Forte, NL (Nearby: Parkers Cove, Baine Harbour, Little Bay East, Rushoon, Bay L'Argent)

Petit Forte, A0E 3B0

Newfoundland Tourism Region : Eastern

Petite Forte: Located on the western side of Placentia Bay, the name Petite Forte (or Petit Forte as it is sometimes written, and pronounced "Petty Fort") is a bit of an anomaly as it translates into "Little Fort".

While there is a fort almost directly across the bay in the town of Placentia (on the eastern side), it would seem plausible for a fort to be built on "this" side of the bay to protect the bay, history does not record that the harbour was ever fortified.

It is one of the smallest communities in NL (only 57 residents in 2016) but it has steadfastly resisted resettlement over time. The ferry MV/Marine Coaster III services the isolated outport of South East Bight from Petite Forte. It has room for 20 passengers and freight (but no vehicles).

Early history has identified Patrick Hayden, as the first settler. He moved there in the early 1830s.

Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill

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