Newfoundland Tourism Region : Central
This is another rather "odd" name for a place in Newfoundland. The community is located on a bay that is known as "Great Ma Jambe" (which is just cast of another bay called "Little Ma Jambe").
According to ENL sources, "early French maps referred to the inlet in which the community was established as Ma Jambe and sometimes Mon Jambe
the former still appeared on navigational charts in 1990-and local tradition has it that the community was originally named Ma Jambe Rose, perhaps by an early visitor bearing that sumame, which was recorded in the area by the early 1800s".
Local lore also suggests that Mose Ambrose became known as Mozambrose.
Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill
Address of this page: http://nl.ruralroutes.com/MoseAmbrose