Newfoundland Tourism Region : Avalon
Angels Cove: Located north of Cape St. Marys and south of Placentia, with a name like "Angels Cove", one could imagine a beautiful serene, peaceful, bucolic, even "angelic" body of water with beautiful vegetation surrounding it, and white swans swimming leisurely in the sun - but, no, that is not the case it is believed that the word "angel" was actually supposed to be "angle" - and according to the DXLE, an angle has one of two meanings, the first referring to "an entrance to a beaver house" ; the second being "a curved inlet of a lake or pond"; several historians suggest that it is the second meaning that is appropriate - how mundane!
Used with permission from "Uncovering the Origin of 1001 Unique Place Names in Newfoundland and Labrador" 2021 Jennifer Leigh Hill
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